Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Brody Laughing

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Emma & Riley's dance recital

Why mommy isn't a makeup artist!
This was a crazy mad house. There were a total of 100 dancers and about 1000 audience members! So here are a few blurry pix. Santa came at the end, so we got pix of Max (2) and Dylan (11) on his lap!


Doesn't this look like Austin Powers "1 million dollars"

Christmas Break

Cousins from Seattle visit

Toothless Emma

Not only did Santa not bring Emma her 2 front teeth, but she lost a 3rd front tooth and 2 bottom teeth. She waited so long for any teeth to fall out, now they all are, and none are growing in!

Riley turns 5!!!

The girls started a tradition of having candles in your birthday breakfast and being sung Happy Birthday. Last year it was cold cereal, kinda tricky!

Pretty Pretty Princess

Max loves to wear earrings and play Pretty Pretty Princess. Dad loves this!!!